Sunday, September 12, 2010

Character Design


Main Character Bio and Design Evolution:
James Shaden; as described he has a prosthetic right arm that is powered by the electric impulses in his nerves that have been connected, and it also stores highly pressurized water for use in battle when no water is available. He is proficient at dual wielding swords as he is shown to have, his dressing is comprised of a black t- shirt, dark flare- end jeans, combat boots and a dark ankle coat. His hair style is oddly shaped as he has side burns and his hair is sort of messy, the fringe and frontal section of his hair comes out and bends downwards near the ends. His age is of 25 and he has a physique is that of the lean, semi- muscular sort.

Nicholas Rider; he is shown to have more fluid and dynamic actions as shown by the action pose here. As described by his bio, he is trained in Ninjitsu and air manipulation, and as a result, he wears a ninja-esque suit which appears to be skin tight in some areas to give more wind resistance, increasing his agility. His weapons are dual Daggers as they are fast and silent as he was trained to be. His clothing also consists of armour which is a light metal to block enemy attacks to a degree and he also wears a mask that covers the nose down to avoid anything going into his mouth at high speeds. His hair is long and is not tied back in any way. He is of age 26 and his physique is that of an athletic muscular build as a result from training in speed and endurance.

Jason Dilby; like the reference image of the 3-d- model, Jason wears a ankle coat that is torn at the ends giving a ragged look, and the remainder of his attire also has the same effect, being torn at the ends. Instead of looking like he salvaged the clothing from somewhere, his facial features indicate the ragged look is from battles, as his face is etched with battle scars from some unknown origin. His left arm is permanently enveloped in the ‘dark matter’ that consists of his power, though it is unseen, it reaches up to his upper arm, and his fingertips on this arm have developed talon sharp claws that cut things very easily, even rock, this arm is also a natural armour of sorts as it is able to block basic attacks with relative ease. His weapon of choice is a single handed, double edged sword which is sheathed on his back when not in use, though neither blade nor sheath are visible. His hair is long, spiky and slicked back with the exception of a single bang of hair that curves downwards in front of his face, his face carries a total of 16 scars giving a veteran look, and the most intimidating feature on his face is his eyes; instead of having normal coloured eyes, his dark power has replaced his coloured iris and sclera a very dark midnight blue, almost black from a distance, giving a demonic feel to his intentions.

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