Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Concept Development

Question 1: Using some of the techniques discussed in this chapter, begin developing a concept for an original game idea. Discuss the central theme of your idea, and the methods you used to bring your idea into existence.

Answer: The Theme for my Game is a 3rd person action game, it will let the character use ‘powers’, like Bio shock but not with the exact same powers and the character gaining them in the same way. There will be 6 major categories for these powers which control the elements, Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Shadow, Light, and the player will get to pick a character whose power will vary from other selectable characters. I would use a particle system to help me with the characters powers and the environments, such as fire and dust storms.

Question 2: Create a back-story, environment, and three character descriptions associated with your original game idea. How are these elements integrated and linked through a central theme?

Answer 2.1 The Back Story- Many years in the future, when mankind’s power supply of oil was suddenly wiped dry, methods on how to gain new power sources were taken into consideration, and was revealed that mankind had some sort of connection with the elements which was dormant in the human body. Mankind wished to harness this power to help them survive as since the power source was depleted, world crime was escalating, and eventually into a global war, but during this war, a city arose from the ashes of the world, which would come to be known as “The Kingdom”, which was ruled over by a council of wise men and women alike, who had found the means to harness the new power, therefore offering a bright future for man. Calling these power imbued people “Elementalists”, they served the city and mankind by helping those in needs and defending it against all threats that over loomed it. But what wasn’t counted for was the most gifted of all these people, only one person from each category could be gifted at a time to attain the “God” level, where they had complete manipulation over their element. The ranks went from, Initiate, Average, Master and then the new God level. However, in the military rose a male Fire Elementalist named Mathew Rutals who secretly was in God status and used brutal tactics in getting to his rank, and eventually when his true power was revealed he gained control over this utopian city as its dictator in his floating nigh impenetrable castle and declared war on all those who refused to unite under their banner and serve them, finally in the final war, Rutals’ trusted officers turned on him and slew him where he stood, where he left a smouldering crater.

With the death of a God Elementalist their power would find its way into the next elementalist of the category that would become strong enough to become the new god. After the death of Rutals, the 2nd in command who was a Master Fire Elementalist became the new dictator and their bloodline continued as the rulers. Now over 100 years after that event, The Latest is a female fire master called Katherine Eve who is to become the next possible god of fire as she has shown more promise than her ancestors in gaining this long lost power. However a cult dedicated to the old god harnessed the power to resurrect him to his full potential, and in their sacrifice, they brought back the original God of Fire who instantly overpowered the current dictator and took the throne of the Kingdom for himself once more, eventually he learned the locations of all the other gods except the god of shadow, he captured the god of water and the Goddess of Light and had the Goddess of Earth join his cause. The God of Air was yet to be chosen. But in his infinite conquest for power, he travelled to a country (what was formally England) and challenged its best warrior to a fight for the fate of this land. The warrior was cut down before the eyes of his own son, who took up his father’s swords in a fit of rage and began to overpower him, much to Rutals’ surprise’ and left 2 large scars on his chest, one from left hip to right shoulder and the other from right hip to left shoulder, giving it the appearance of an X, after which he cut off the boy’s right arm and used his power to bring forth the power of the sun in his hand and launch it at the country, utterly destroying it.

Many years later a revolution began within the Kingdoms military, having a large number of soldiers break free and begin a resistance against Rutal’s campaign. Leading it are the masters of the elements and bringing into their resistance, is the Demi- God of shadow, Jason Dilby. Now the player will get to choose one character to control and begin a full on war with the God of Fire. - End of Back-story

Answer 2.2 Environment: The environment for this game would vary a lot, as it would be mostly free roaming (with some linear). The starting environment for the player would be based in a run down, ruined town where the environment around the town is dry and dusty, much like an apocalyptic perspective, closely similar to the environment from the movie “The Book of Eli”. As the Player progresses they will go on various natural landscapes such as going across frozen wastelands to the frozen shrines of water elemental tribes, trek across the forever expanding ocean of sand and see the village of earth elementalist warriors, climb the mountains of the lands to the temples of the ninjitsu learning air elementals, tread upon fire glazed lands where battles took place and walk through shadow infested lands. As for synthetic environments, there will be many ruined towns like where the player started, where hijacking of travellers and crimes are out of control, they will see the underground (literal) base of operations for the resistance, fight through the interior of a maximum security prison, run through the bustling and lively streets of The Kingdom and battle inside the halls of The Kingdoms floating palace. The environments will be able to have some interaction, such as marks on the walls if the player strikes it, or if bullets hit there, along with this, the environments will crack should something disturb them, such as earth elementalists shifting the ground.

Answer 3.3 Characters:

Jason Dilby”- Jason Dilby is the demi- god of shadows and during the start of the story is the most powerful as he has a vast range of dark powers, such as being able to create black holes inside somebody or next to somebody and either killing them or transporting him to another area within eye shot. The effects of having dark power is the aggressive mutations of the user, dark spots appear on their skin and they begin to grow on the skin and change the appearance of the victim into something grotesque, as for Jason, his mutation is on his left arm, and as a result of his power, it acts as natural armour, along with the digits on his hand now being extremely sharp, giving his hand a talon like appearance. But with his power, it also spirals out of control after he is severely weakened, as a result the darkness on his armour grows up onto his whole body, increasing his size and power, but making him lose all ration thought in the process. Apart from his hand, his weapon of choice is his one handed sword he keeps sheathed and strapped on his back when not in use.

James Shaden”- James is the most mysterious one out of all the resistance; whilst everybody’s history is known to the higher up’s of the resistance, James’ past lies in mystery as he never speaks of what has happening in his past, and all that is known is that he is probably the last survivor of the country that fell victim to Rutals’ latest ‘supernova’ bomb (Old England). He has uncanny swordsmanship skills when wielding his dual swords and is never seen using two hands on one blade, making people question how much more skill he holds. His right arm is an automotive prosthetic limb which is constructed from light and durable metals and is connected to the nerves where the arm stops. His power is that of control over water, at which is at high masters level, though he may be at this level he rarely uses this power and when he does, he can either control the temperature of the water either freezing it or boiling it. When in combat he releases the water that is incredibly compressed within his auto arm through its wrist and control the water and turn it into incredibly sharp shards of ice, but when in defence, he can also us the water in his body to heal the wounds that are inflicted on him. His attitude is that of the quiet type and rarely speaks unless faced with a troublesome situation.

Nicholas Rider”- Rider is the fastest of the resistance as he is a man brought up in the temple of air in the mountains, studying the form of ninjitsu. He is an air elemementalist with master proficiency and with his ninjitsu training; he is an opponent that should not have eyes taken off of for a second. Though he was brought up as a pacifist and only used his skills in defence before joining the resistance, however Rutals had marched his battalion into the temple and slaughtered many of those who dwelt inside, and from that day he never hesitated to use his power against the military. His attitude is that of seemingly cheerful, optimistic and joking manners, he never lets his past stop his positive outlook on those he is with now. His attacks are mostly consisted of compressed and highly dense air that can knock many men on their backs and damage the exterior walls of a building. But his greatest talent lies not in offence, but defence, as he uses his control over the air to make himself lighter and not only make light quiet landings, but increase his speed dramatically to the point where enemies find difficulty following his movements.

Question 3: Document your concept with reference material and original sketches. How did you capture your reference images? Create thumbnails and silhouettes. Compile these images into an art “bible” to help guide your vision.

Answer: My environment was captured from still shots of the environment of the recently released movie “The Book of Eli” as the starting zone for the game will be in a mountainous wasteland where a ruined town resides. The Images of the town came from the same movie and various other sources as the town is either run down or recently destroyed leaving debris everywhere.

The Characters/ N.P.C’s will be dressed in ragged, torn clothing, as if it was found in the wasteland somewhere or on the body of a dead person after they were searched for salvageable items on their persons, however one type of N.P.C that is easy to identify from a distance will be hookers, since they will wear scantily clad clothing to advertise themselves, because in a wasteland town where people need to survive, prostitution will be rife in an attempt to surive. The Criminals of the town will have the same kind of clothing, except what distinguishes them from the rest is that they stay in groups of 3 or 4, they carry weapons like shivs or pipes and they have distinguishable gang tattoos on their faces or on their torso’s if they have their chest visible. And the other opponents that will be crossed are the soldiers of Rutals’ who wear ribcage armour, gauntlets, shin armour and helmets.

Example Base for Wasteland Gang member (ragged look) - Jak 3 Concept art

Bases for Wastelanders clothing (and possibly hair stlye)

Example of gang tattoo

Hooker Base, minus the gun

The base look for the Soldiers is shown below

For the Characters, their looks will be based off the images shown

Jason Dilby and James Shaden base- collected from Deviant Art

Nicholas Rider base- collected from Deviant Art

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